Home and City: Capturing Tamsin's Story

Our journey begins at home, in the cozy little village of Holbeton, South Devon. It's here where I first started capturing the essence of Tamsin; a brilliant historian, author, and a truly awe-inspiring individual. The calm serenity of her home provided the perfect backdrop for the initial part of our session. As the day progressed, we made a quick dash to the urban heart of Plymouth city. The contrasting urban environment offered a different, more vibrant energy for Tamsin's personal branding photographer, providing a balance between her personal and professional life.

Tamsin: The Historian and the Writer

The main purpose of these portraits was for the publication of a historical family book that Tamsin has been diligently working on for over five years. This book, which is edging close to completion, is a testament to Tamsin's dedication and passion for historical writing. In addition, these portraits were also meant to provide candid snapshots of Tamsin for her upcoming website.

Unveiling the Person Beyond the Portraits

To say Tamsin is as sharp as a pin would be an understatement. Although Tamsin modestly claims that she's not good at remembering dates, her vast knowledge of history is unparalleled. In fact, her expertise is the sole reason why I've ever been part of a winning pub quiz team. Her keen intellect was truly a sight to behold during our session.

A Morning Well Spent

What struck me the most about Tamsin was not just her extensive library of books that she'd written, but also her wonderful ability to accept compliments very graciously. This, in my opinion, is a true skill that speaks volumes about her character. Her relaxed yet striking presence in front of the camera made it a pleasure to photograph her. The morning spent capturing Tamsin's personal branding photos was indeed a morning well spent. Here's to Tamsin and the incredible journey she's embarked on!